ACMC was started as a step of faith in the founder. After having financed the ministry on his own for some time, the founder asked God to help him financially too. He started organized fasting prayers of the staff of ACMC. Then, God showed him an idea for raising the needed funds through a form called DKP forms (D stands for Damtheina, K for Kipana and P for Phatthei channa, meaning health, joy, and blessing respectively in Thadou dialect), which were distributed to anyone who needs prayers. They, in turn, donate Rs.100/- or more monthly to support the ministry. Patron member forms were also made available for those who may donate Rs. 1000/- or more as a one-time contribution to the ministry.
When the ministry started God spoke to Dr.Lhunkhohao Haokip through Genesis 12:1-3 saying, “…….I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you…… with this promise from God in hand, ACMC workers hold fasting prayer every first day of the month. They also carried on with three consecutive days fastings prayer sessions in the month of February, June and October every year, Friday whole-night prayer had been carried out too.
While dedicating themselves and earnestly praying for the needs of the DKP and patron member form holders, these prayer warriors also claimed God’s words according to Matthew 17:21, Luke 18:1-8, Luke 11:5-8 and III John 2.
God worked wonders through these fasting prayer sessions. Many good and encouraging reports and feedback have been received and recorded for future inspiration, strength and for the glory of God.
The locals hold the belief from time immemorial that a sonless couple is but the curse of God. So, many couples took the DKP forms asking a son from God through these prayers. The latest record maintains a very astonishing figure. 21 couples have received sons through these prayers from God after having lost all hope in themselves. 3 women who were declared barren by the medical world also reported having children from God through ACMC’s prayer ministry. “For with God, nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37.
Many individuals, who were in search of appropriate jobs have also taken the DKP forms. Out of all these persons, 18 have reportedly found their desired jobs.
14 young people who have taken the DKP form for a life partner have received their life-partner from God through prayer ministry of ACMC.
Some Alcoholics and other drug addicts have been referred by dear ones through DKP forms in the prayer ministry. According to the latest record, 6 alcoholics or drug addicts have reportedly sans their bad habits and take the right path.
- 10 individuals who wish to go abroad into foreign countries for studies and various other reasons have received their visas.
- 5 persons with deadly diseases have recovered from their sickness.
- 5 governmental officials have been given departmental promotion after having given prayer requests through the DKP forms.
- 10 persons have reportedly been able to construct a house of their own with the help of God through the ACMC prayer ministry.
The latest report of miracle through the ACMC is that of a woman who had a cancel-like swollen hard substance on the right side of her neck. When all the family members and friends have panicked, Brother Dr. Lhunkhohao Haokip went, laid his hand on her neck and prayed for her. It was reported that the woman’s neck was healed within a couple of hours of the prayer. In gratitude, the family donated their bull-dozer (JCB) to level the ground for ACMC building for free of cost. All credits go to God, who heard the prayers of his humble servant, who believed in the above-cited Bible verses, which have been the working principles of the prayer ministry of ACMC.
Agape Christian Museum Centre (ACMC) is neither idolatry nor iconography but rather a visual aid in witnessing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the 21st Century.
ACMC is witnessing and obeying, the great commission of Jesus Christ and preparing people for the second coming of Jesus Christ.